Blog | Mar 6, 2011
Do Your Practice and All is Coming
“Do Your Practice and All is Coming” ―Sri. K. Pattabhi Jois

Sri Krishna Pattabhi Jois
The great Sage Patanjali defined Yoga and how one can obtain it in the Yoga Sutras written over 2,000 years ago. He said that Yoga is Union: Union of the Individual Self with the Universal Self.
If we can calm the mind, we can discover our true Self and experience this Union. He told that there are 3 ways we may obtain Yoga or Union with the Divine.
One, we can accept right now, in this moment, that we are God.
There is no difference between each and every being on this planet, as we all come from the same source. This is obviously very difficult for us to truly accept.
Two, we can move into a true meditative state, or Dhyana, without the distracting thoughts in the head and complete stillness in the body… for 3 hours! especially for those of us living in a western world of media, entertainment, work, family, Etc.
And for those of us who cannot exercise one of the first two options, there is a third one.
Patanjali calls it Ashtanga: An 8-limbed path to obtain Yoga.
This path consists of Yama, Niyama (moral codes), Asana (the postures), Pranayama (restraining the life force through breath work), Pratyahara (sense withdrawal), Dharana (concentration), Dyana (meditation) and Samadhi, which is the 8th limb and goal of Bliss, Awakening, Self Realization, Enlightenment, Union with the Divine, Etc.
For me, it is Complete Presence! This process can be slow and challenging, taking several lifetimes for most of us.
The late, legendary Guru of Ashtanga Yoga is Sri. K. Pattabhi Jois (also affectionately known as Guruji). For over 70 years, Guruji taught the same Yoga practice in Mysore, India. He called this system Ashtanga Yoga, as he believed it is part of the same system that Patanjali was talking about over 2,000 years ago. Guruji first taught us Asana, the 3rd limb, because we have such an active mind, especially in the West. It is best to start with what we understand… How to use our bodies… How to move, and sweat.
This takes us out of our heads and gets us moving and breathing. Then slowly, slowly over time, the mind becomes blank, if only for a few seconds. This stillness helps us realize that we can indeed control our mind. As we progress with the practice, we can then become ready to move into the more subtle levels of Ashtanga Yoga, as outlined by Patanjali.
This month, I invite you to use your Asana practice as a foundation to still everything else that may be moving too rapidly in your life. When shit happens, just practice! And try to allow the space and clarity that is created from the practice to solve the dilemma for you ―Be it physical, mental or emotional imbalances.
As Guruji taught, simply “do your practice and all is coming”.