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North America

Ana Gabriela Armendáriz Delgado
GAVY TA Class of 2012 Querétaro, México
San Luis Potosí, México

Ana Quintana
GPVY 100 Grounding Sequence, Class 2018, Playa del Carmen
GPVY 100 Grounding Sequence, Class 2019, Playa del Carmen
Playa del Carmen, Mexico

Bernardo Kushala Camarena
GAVY TA Class of 2004 Mexico City, Mexico
Mexico City, Mexico
During Michael’s training I could see that evolving in yoga comes hand in hand with discipline, hard work and an open heart. All qualities that I saw developing in everyone that trained with Michael. I found myself practicing stronger, more aligned and learning to follow the correct method of Ashtanga. Thanks for everything Bro!

Cecilia Salazar de la Garza
GAVY TA Class of 2012 Querétaro, México
Tampico, México

Corinne LePage
GAVY TA Class of 2010 Playa del Carmen, Mexico
Puerto Morelos, Mexico

Daniela Manzur
GAVY TA Class of 2014 Playa del Carmen, Mexico
Playa del Carmen, Mexico

Daniela Salgado
GAVY 200 Ashtanga Training, Class of 2019, Playa del Carmen
Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo, México

Dayna Callaway
GPVY Flying Sequence, Class of 2019, Playa del Carmen
Markham, Ontario

Edwina Burns
GAVY TA Class of 2004 Mexico City, Mexico
Mexico City, Mexico
“Do your practice and all is coming” – Pattabhi Jois
“Do your practice with Michael Gannon and all is coming sooner” – Edwina Burns

Emily Schwarze
GAVY TA Class of 2010 Playa del Carmen, Mexio
Playa del Carmen, Mexico

Frida Costa
Frida Costa
GAVY TA Class of 2014, Playa del Carmen, Mexico
Playa del Carmen, Mexico

Hector Teran
GAVY TA Class of 2009 Playa del Carmen, Mexico
Cancun, Mexico

Karla Armente
GAVY TA Class of 2013 Playa del Carmen, Mexico
Queretaro, Mexico

Laura Medina Romo
GAVY TA Class of 2012 Querétaro, México
Querétaro, México

Luciana Silveyra
GAVY TA Class of 2009 Playa del Carmen, Mexico
Mexico City, Mexico

Manuel Espinosa
GAVY TA Class of 2012 Playa del Carmen, México
Mexico City, Mexico

Marcela Paloma
GAVY TA Class of 2005 Mexico City, Mexico
Mexico City, Mexico

Marcia Hidalgo
GAVY TA Class of 2010 Playa del Carmen, Mexico
Mexico City, Mexico

Maria Andrea Merina
GAVY TA Class of 2008 Playa del Carmen, Mexico
Mexico City, Mexico

Mariana Campero
GAVY TA Class of 2009 Playa del Carmen, Mexico
Mexico City, Mexico

Maryella Mendoza Piña
GAVY TA Class of 2012 Querétaro, México
Querétaro, México

Maya Costa
GPVY 100 Grounding Sequence, class of 2017, Playa del Carmen
GPVY 100 Flying Sequence, class of 2017, Playa del Carmen
GAVY 200 Foundation Certification / Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, class of 2017, Playa del Carmen
GPVY 100 Grounding Sequence, class of 2018 as assistant, Playa del Carmen
GPVY 100 Killer Arm Balance Sequence, class of 2018, Playa del Carmen
GAVY 200 Foundation Certification / Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, class of 2019 as assistant, Playa del Carmen
Tulum, Mexico

Minnar Martinez
GAVY TA Class of 2009 Playa del Carmen, Mexico
Queretaro, Mexico

Mónica Hofmann de los Ríos
GAVY TA Class of 2012 Querétaro, México
Querétaro, México

Pamela Quintero
GAVY TA Class of 2010 Playa del Carmen, Mexico
Mexico City

Paola Gonzalez
GAVY TA Class of 2011 Playa del Carmen, Mexico
Playa del Carmen, Mexico

Pascale Bourlon
GAVY TA Class of 2006 Mexico City, Mexico
Mexico City, Mexico

Sol Suarez
GAVY 200 Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, Class of 2015, Playa del Carmen
GAVY 200 Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, Class of 2019 as Assistant, Playa del Carmen
Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo Mexico

Susana MacDonald
GPVY 100 Grounding Sequence, Class 2017, Playa del Carmen
GAVY 200 Ashtanga Primary Series Training, Class 2018, Playa del Carmen
GPVY 100 Grounding Sequence Teaching Assistant, Playa del Carmen
Playa del Carmen, Mexico

Talina Gonzalez
GAVY TA Class of 2011 Playa del Carmen, Mexico
Mexico City

Tania Checchi
GAVY TA Class of 2007 Mexico City, Mexico
Mexico City, Mexico
Europe & United Kingdom

Amber Thomas
GAVY TA Class of 2011 Playa del Carmen, Mexico
Merseyside, England

Irena Bartolec
GAVY TA Class of 2005 Mexico City, Mexico
Zagreb, Croatia
When I met Michael i just feel that I could learn a lot from this guy. After trying to practice with other teachers something was missing,something that Michael has — knowlege,magic touch,spartanian heart… This teacher training was amaizing expirience for me in all levels:my practice was progressing, my mind purifyed, my breath become softer and stronger at the same time, my heart was melting. I´m greatfull to God for sending Michael to be my guiding light on my Yoga path!

Kirstin Robertson
GAVY TA Class of 2009 Playa del Carmen, Mexico
Manchester, England

Paul Whalen
GAVY TA Class of 2004 Mexico City
Naas, Ireland
The one month teacher training with Michael was intensive and comprehensive allowing me to grow both as a student and a teacher of yoga. I feel very fortunate to have experienced Michael’s teachings of classical, traditional Ashtanga Yoga. I have much that is authentic and beneficial to pass on to my students.

Sandro Rivellini
GAVY 200 Ashtanga Training, Class of 2019, Playa del Carmen
GPVY 100 Grounding Sequence, Class of 2019, Playa del Carmen
GPVY 100 Killer Arm Balance Sequence, Class of 2018, Playa del Carmen
Verona, Italy

Simon Mayr-Reisch
GAVY 200 Ashtanga Training, Class of 2019, Playa del Carmen
Salzburg, Austria

Victoria Nauen
GAVY TA Class of 2011 Playa del Carmen, Mexico
Sheffield, England
Asia/Middle East
South America

Guilherme Nascimento
GAVY TA Class of 2004 Mexico City, Mexico
Sao Paolo, Brazil
One word sums up Michael´s Teacher Training course: BHAKTI!!!
I meet Michael 2 years ago in Sao Paulo and his adjustments were
registered in my body (and soul). Michael has magic hands. With love he takes you to new places that you have never been before. Michael’s training was a deep dive into adjustment techniques. He shared with us the best way to work in each posture of primary series, teaching how to work with all levels of students and specially concerned in how to work with people in the safest way. His techniques had also great impact in my personal practice. I really knock down many walls of my practice!!!
Michaels is one of the few teachers around the world who is really connected to the pure, traditional Ashtanga method. This training is great for those who really want to get in touch with this purity. Once you get in touch with the real system, in the way Michael teaches, your practice, your teachings, your life is changed…this is really powerful and complete.
The training was one month of opening the heart and learning how to have devotion for my practice, for my life, for people and for the city. Michael’s immense heart and energy infected us all!!! Michael rocks!!! I finally learned that Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga is a method to achieve BHAKTI and develop love. Thank you very much Michael and I hope to see you soon again and again…

Pedro Ibarra
GAVY 200 Ashtanga Training, Class of 2019, Playa del Carmen
Santiago, Chile