Events | Feb 16, 2019 - Feb 17, 2019
AshtangaPalooza Yoga Festival

Liquid Prana Presents
AshtangaPalooza Yoga Festival held at Yogaloft Playa del Carmen, in the beautiful Mexican Riviera Maya.This is an intimate, boutique style festival limited to only 75 students.
Join World Ashtanga teachers Wayne Krassner (USA), Johnna Smith (USA), David Kyle (PR), and Michael Gannon (USA).
If you are one of the few that get a ticket for this event, be prepared to practice hard, open the mind, go inside the self, and celebrate existence!
AshtangaPalooza Tickets Include: *
– 19 individual sessions with 4 different international yoga teachers
– 2 full days from 6:30am to 10:30pm
– Guided Yoga Practices, Asana Techniques, Meditations, Pranayamas, and Lectures
– Live Music Gong Bath
– Daily Liquid Prana Cold Brew Coffee break and Liquid Prana Breakfast (500 MXN Value)
– Evening Party #1 with Live Music + Speakeasy with Free Mezcal Cold Pressed Cocktail
– Evening Party #2 DJ “JC Ananda” + Dancing + Speakeasy with Free Mezcal Cold Pressed Cocktail
– 10% discount on Liquid Prana Daily Detox Plans on days immediately before, during, or immediately after AshtangaPalooza Yoga Festival.
*(All travel, hotel, lunch and dinner expenses not included. The center of Playa del Carmen is FULL of lodging opportunities at all budgets and Yogaloft has hotel friends with special rates within 5-minutes walk).(Yoga mats and towels are available for rent at Yogaloft).
Only 75 tickets available! When they are gone, they’re gone!
Regular Prices:
USD $195 Full Weekend
USD $120 Single Day
Discounted Tickets for Mexican Nationals (28%-OFF):
Valid only till January 1st ! 3,045 MXN Early Bird Pricing
3,675 MXN after Early Bird
1,995 MXN For Single Day
The Schedule
[ yoga – meditation – celebration ]
February 16-17, 2019
6:30 – 8:30 Maha Mysore Practice (Gannon, Krassner, Kyle, Smith)
8:30 – 9:00 Cold Brew Coffee Break @ Liquid Prana
9:00 – 9:30 Meditation – Opening to Possibility – Gannon
9:30 – 10:30 Asana Technique –Moving from the Core – Krassner
10:30 – 11:00 Pranayama – 4 Purifications – Kyle
11:00 – 11:45 Breakfast @Liquid Prana (Cold Pressed juice + Organic Breakfast Jar)
11:45 – 12:30 Gong Bath Sound Healing – Harmonia Tou Kosmou
12:45 – 14:00 Asana Practice – Tonics for Deeper Hip Rotations – Smith
14:00 – 15:30 Lunch Break/Free Time
15:30 – 16:00 Meditation – Heart Meditation – Krassner
16:00 – 17:00 Asana Technique – Spirit of the Seven Sisters – Smith
17:15 – 18:30 Asana Practice – Rocket Vinyasa – Kyle
18:30 – 18:45 Day-Ending Meditation – Doorways to the Infinite a Maha Bhuta practice – Smith
18:45 – 20:30 Dinner Break/Free Time
20:30 – 22:30 Celebrate ! World Music Concert– Harmonia Tou Kosmou. A live journey to the sounds of native and modern instruments that will carry you off to these far away landscapes around the world.
6:30 – 8:30 Maha Mysore Practice (Gannon, Krassner, Kyle, Smith)
8:30 – 9:00 Cold Brew Coffee Break @ Liquid Prana
9:00 – 9:30 Meditation – Deep Breathing First – Krassner
9:30 – 10:30 Asana Technique – Magic of Bandhas – Gannon
10:30 – 11:00 Pranayama – Spiritualize your Breath – Smith
11:00 – 11:45 Breakfast @Liquid Prana
(Cold Pressed juice + Organic Breakfast Jar)
11:45 – 12:30 Lecture – Ashtanga & The Koshas – Smith
12:45 – 14:00 Asana Practice – Vinyasa Backbend Focus – Krassner
14:00 – 15:30 Lunch Break/Free Time
15:30 – 16:00 Lecture – The Science of The Vinyasa System – Gannon
16:00 – 17:00 Asana Technique – Strength Training for Inversions – Kyle
17:15 – 18:45 Asana Practice: Full Vinyasa Practice – Gannon
18:45 – 19:00 Day-Ending Meditation – Mind: The Poisonous Tool – Kyle
19:00 – 20:30 Dinner Break/Free Time
20:30 – 22:30 Closing Party : DJ “JC Ananda” + Dancing + YL Speakeasy with Free Mezcal Cold Pressed Cocktail
Michael Gannon Sessions:
Opening to Possibility — Lets set the tone for our intention for this powerful weekend together. An individual intention as well as a group intention. It just may all come down to how we experience (identify or dis-identify) the mind, body and emotions throughout our process this weekend.
Magic of Bandhas — How do I jump thru and jump back?! How do I do handstands?! When will I float?!The seemingly magic of bandhas that allows us to fly is a gradual process that is developed over time with steady practice. But, if we can’t understand the basic physics of activating our core, we can remain stuck to the earth indefinitely. In this workshop we will break down individual elements that allow us to experience weightlessness in all elements in our practice.
The Science of The Vinyasa System — In Ashtanga Yoga we can go through the motions or we can REALLY do the practice. With awareness, with rhythm, with control, following the breath….with the correct vinyasa. Explore the science of the Vinyasa System, where it came from, what it REALLY means and why it’s use and understanding is invaluable to our practice.
Full Vinyasa Practice — The original practice of “full form” of the vinyasa system had each and every asana start and finish in samastitihi. Let’s move together through the original Full Vinyasa of Primary Series, following the correct vinyasa count in Sanskrit. Few practitioners and teachers understand this ‘full form” and even fewer teach it. A rare opportunity.
Wayne Krassner Sessions:
Moving from the Core — Movements and postures are stronger and smarter when we move from our core center. We learn to establish the lower abdominal core and stay connected through vinyasa and asana
Heart Meditation — It’s not what you think. In this class you will gain an understanding of the difference between reality / truth and fantasy / illusion which will help you focus and concentrate your mind and prepare you for meditation.
Deep Breathing First — Get Naturally High. This class we will use a deep breathing high oxygenation technique to experience the feeling mind and a sense of euphoria.
Vinyasa Backbend Focus — Ashtanga Inspired with traditional warm ups with a backhanding focus that transition into a progressive and deep backhanding sequence.
Johnna Smith Sessions:
Tonics for Deeper Hip Rotations — Any ‘leg behind the head’ pose IS achievable if we work that external hip rotation consistently. Come ready to explore new understandings about your hips and how subtle awarenesses can shift what your body is open to. This class, mostly floor work with a few energizing next step practices, will set a good foundation for future deep foot behind the head skills. Hip openers are thrilling, exhilarating and full of possibilities. It’s so often the pressure we put on ourselves that keeps our hips in lock down. Instead of the pressure, we will surrender with ease and creatively open to what’s possible.
Spirit of the Seven Sisters — Explore Ashtanga’s Seven Sisters Head Stand sequence both the practical/anatomical approach as well as the philosophical/energetic expression. We will break down the transitions and flow in counted vinyasa. Expect to discover tricks and tools required to maintain steadiness. Once steady the mind can turn inward and through diligent practice experience the inner forms of yoga. Where do we hold our mind while practicing? What is the intelligence and energy being created through the various hand mudras while inverted? The true beauty of the practice extends far beyond the physical. The beginner just holds the pose. We will explore the advanced version: seek to place our awareness on the philosophical, energetic intelligence of why we do the seven sisters.
Meditation: Doorways to the Infinite a Maha Bhuta practice — We are both Purusha and Prakriti. Both Shiva and Shakti. Maha Bhutas +2 holistic meditation technique is based on elemental theory. Prakriti, who in her infinite wisdom used as the basis for all creation, including your body and mine, the five elements. It’s taught in both yoga and Ayurveda that life is meant for more than mere survival, we are meant to thrive. Our well being and ability to thrive is literally enhanced by purifying these original bhutas (elements). In this meditation we will initiate a return to wholeness by purifying these elements deep within our body and psyche. And by doing so we are prepared to hold higher states of energy and consciousness.
Prana: Spiritualize your Breath — Prana is energy, life force. The movement of the creator herself. The movement of spirit. The movement of soul-essence in your body. When we do breath practices we aren’t just circulating blood, and gasses, we are also clearing the channels of perception so that, as the yoga sutras teaches: the veils that block our natural luminosity, are removed. The wholistic technique we will cover this morning is great for first thing in morning or in the afternoon when the “dull-lull” comes. Based on my studies with renowned Ayurvedic teacher, Dr. Vasant Lad, this pranayama practice is a technique designed to cover all energetic bases. Balancing to all dosha types.
Ashtanga & The Koshas — We came to this world to love. We practice to develop more love to fear less. The ancients came up with technology that is still highly relevant in our modern times. Discussion will include Taittiriya Upanisad’s Koshic model + 2 two that the buddhist tradition has given us, Patanjali’s klesha & karmic theory. Applying this ancient wisdom with the healing benefits of the ashtanga yoga practice opens us up to flourish in our original state… Love.
David Kyle Sessions:
4 Purifications — A set of classic breathing and Bandha exercises that are designed for the students preparation to begin the Shat Kriyas of Hatha Yoga. Popularized by the Ashtanga Yoga Master Baba Hari Das from the Mount Madona Center. We will practice the 4 purifications and explain the sequences benefits to sparking internal fire and awakening the prana. Optional finishing with select Kriyas from the classic 6 internal cleansing techniques of Hatha Yoga.
Rocket Vinyasa — The vision of creativity and freedom from founder Larry Schultz of San Francisco. In the 80’s after extensive study under Pattabhi Jois, Larry destroyed the hierarchy of the fixed Ashtanga Vinyasa Sequencing. He developed an alternative flowing series of Ashtanga asana with emphasis on the individuals strengths. Many view this as the original western “Vinyasa Flow” that inspired and broke the ceiling for the western world to develop and decipher the ancient teachings of the east into a western perspective. David will introduce you to this Ashtanga Vinyasa based practice which encourages individual differences and expressions of the classical Ashtanga Asana we all know!
Strength Training for Inversions — Variations on classical transitions of Ashtanga Yoga. This will be Strength Training for Inversions and variations on classical transitions of Ashtanga Yoga. Designed to give you both stability and ease in traditional transitions as well as opening pandoras box to explore some more contemporary translations of “take it up”! Viewing from a lense that is both challenging yet observing therapeutic techniques to counterbalance the deeper training for the wrists and shoulders.
Mind: The Poisonous Tool — The mind is the tool yet also an obstacle to its own process of detachment. The mind is like a poison that must be purified and in the process only becomes a stronger more deadly poison that should be handled with care. We will focus on the preparation for this process through dharana- deep concentration techniques to train the mind to ultimately release it binds upon our inner self.

Michael Gannon — The Yoga Dealer
In the late 90s, the practice of yoga lured Michael Gannon away from chaotic deal making in the American advertising and music industry. He subsequently spent 10 years studying in India with Sri K. Pattabhi Jois (1915 – 2009) learning the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd series of the traditional Ashtanga Vinyasa system. Authorized directly by Jois in 2001 to teach, Gannon has taught in over 50 countries on five continents. Having trained over 500 teachers worldwide in Ashtanga and Power Vinyasa Yoga, his unique teaching style makes the transformational powers of yoga accessible to all with the desire to learn. His live teachings have been extended over the years via many DVDs, the first ever Ashtanga Yoga App on iPhone/Android, and his first book in 2018, Ashtanga Yoga Made Simple. On his home beach in Mexico, Gannon designed, built, and directs one of the most beautiful yoga schools on the planet, Yogaloft Playa del Carmen. When he’s not traveling, it is here that he spends time at the feet of his three most powerful gurus — his daughter and two sons.

Wayne Krassner
Wayne has always had a passion for movement and a fascination with stillness. This began with playing sports and doing exercise at an early age. By the age of 12 this evolved to include swimming, calisthenics, martial arts, dance, and fitness training. The moving has not stopped for 40 years. Yoga and vegetarianism came in his early tweenties and Qi Gong / Tai Chi in his early thirties.As a young boy, Wayne practiced Meditation, unaware of what exactly was happening and eventually immersed himself in sitting practices.From the practice of Kabbalah, Buddhist and Yogic principles & techniques, Wayne had his own realization at the age of 37. Upon which he derived his own simple, yet profound technique to share a powerful and beneficial practices with everyone — Expanding Love Consciousness.Wayne practices yoga daily to live better, be a better person, live in peace and harmony within himself, with others, and with nature. As a practitioner and a teacher, Wayne see the goal of yoga as to help people transcend limits and increase physical and mental ability. He has been practicing traditional yoga for 28 years, has trained with many ‘masters’ in many styles, and finds value in all of them.

Johnna Smith
Johnna is an international yoga teacher and lead teacher at Ashtanga Yoga School Charlotte. She feels her dharma is to awaken people to joy, which is our divine birthright. Her workshops, master classes and advanced yoga studies connect students to the source of joy deep within, igniting the fire within the heart.Johnna is one of the few people in the world to receive Level 2 Authorization from Sharath Jois at the KPJAYI Ashtanga Institute in Mysore, India. She has also received Level 1 Para Yoga Certification from Yoga Rupa Rod Stryker for tantra studies.In 1995 Johnna came to yoga after searching for relief from years of panic attacks and addiction. Yoga loosened the hold that fear and anxiety had on her heart, giving her the tools to manage addiction and anxiety. This led her to study with Yoga Rupa Rod Stryker in 2001 and to Sri K Pattabhi Jois in 2004. In 2013 she was honored with Level One Para Yoga Certification and in 2016 Sharath Jois blessed her with Level 2 Authorization. Johnna weaves asana, philosophy, mantra, and meditation with devotion to open the heart and awaken joy.

David Kyle- The Moola Bandha King
David Kyle was introduced to Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga in 2001 through a very creative and un-orthodox view of yoga asana and eastern philosophies. Through his teacher, Larry Schultz, David came to understand this ancient practice as a individualized journey that develops a deep communication between yourself and your environment. Over time both the fixed forms of Pattabhi Jois and the contemporary self-interpretive style of Larry Schultz has help to shape David’s school Progressive Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga. David’s perspective on Rocket Yoga and Classical Ashtanga Yoga asana sequencing gives students a fresh and stimulating practice that encourages deep experiences and revelation.