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What I learned while NOT eating for 14 days

This month I broke a fast of 14 days with no food. Only drinking The Master Cleanse (water, lemon, maple syrup, cayenne pepper). Yes, you read correctly…NO  food! I do this at least once a year as a cleansing, to give my system a rest and as a yoga tapas practice (austerity). As you can imagine, there is some serious transformation during a practice like this. And, each time I take this journey, I have some pretty powerful realizations. I want to share with you how this Fast works, and what I was awakened to this time during the Fast. And shares some Higher Practices with you as a result of it. I wrote a short story explaining it all, and have posted it here.

Click here now to read it…
What I Learned While NOT Eating for 14 Days!

Before or after you check out that story, there are three exciting yoga events I want to share with you this month. Firstly, the first ever Gannon Retreat at Maya Tulum, in Tulum, Mexico, from August 29-September 4. The most beautiful beach in all of Mexico! Spaces still available! AND, local students that do not sleep at Maya Tulum can pay a day rate of only $108 with 3 yoga sessions. Or $168 including 3 meals.

And finally, the Playa Mysore Club, with open classes of Mysore Style, Guided Ashtanga and Guided Vinyasa classes. This will all take place at the GAVY Yogaloft, just behind Mamitas Beach on Playa del Carmen, September 6-28. For Open Guided Classes with other GAVY

All this takes place in the same area over the same time-frame, so you can schedule yourself for a full month Yogic Beach Buzz Overdose with The Yoga Dealer!

Don’t forget to check out the short story I prepared for you here… What I Learned While NOT Eating for 14 Days!

Shanti Out,
