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Presence is What you Got…NOW!

So WHY do we always want something that is NOT available now? Why do we long for someone from our past? Why do we wait for that person in our future? Why
do we long for some things to be finished? Why are we so

NOT present?

When I’m with my yoga friends, I miss my party friends. When I’m with my party friends, I wonder if I will miss my yoga practice the next morning. My social mind just can’t be happy with who it is with!

When I’m in Mexico, I wish I could eat a yummy Masala Dosa from India. After a week of Masala Dosas in India, I don’t eat one again for weeks. After a month of Indian food in India, I wish I had a bunch of deliciously green Hass avocados for a bowl of guacamole. Or a nice green arugula salad with fresh parmesan cheese. My
culinary mind just cant be happy eating where it is!

When I was learning Primary Series, I couldn’t wait to get to Second Series. Same during Second Series, wanting to get to Third Series. After Advanced Series, I just wanted to practice Primary Series. My Asana Mind can’t be happy with the pose it is practicing!

When I am feeling stressed, overwhelmed or off-center, the overactive mind longs to meditate. When I am meditating, the under active mind drifts to the things it wants to be doing. My over/under active mind just can’t seem to make up its……..MIND!

LIVE fully with what you’ve got…..NOW…. or LEAVE!
LIVE In each moment now, ……or LEAVE!

Because this is all you have. This is all any of us have. NOTHING that has already happened is here now. NOTHING that may come in the future is here now. EVERYTHING always happens in THIS moment. And it is only in this moment that we can experience it,… enjoy it, …love it …or hate it.

I invite you to try to truly LIVE this awareness. First you must acknowledge your patterns, as above. Then, you can call yourself on them when they sneak up on you.

When your friends invite you to a party and you say yes. Go to the party, dance, drink, sing, socialize and PARTY! And don’t think about your yoga practice the next morning. Surrender to the Party Vibe. The practice will be there tomorrow… Or it wont.

When you decide to practice yoga instead of going with your friends to the beach, DO your practice! Don’t fantasize about the beach and what you will miss. Go to the beach later or the next day….Or not.

Allow your Mind to do only one thing at a time. Allow your Body to do only one yoga pose at a time. When the Mind is active, allow it to get things done. When you are meditating, Disconnect from the Mind.

If you are at a Pizza party, be a Pizza Lover! Don’t wish you were eating soup or salad.

Shanti Out,
