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As human beings, our nature is to be judgmental. One of my favorite teachers, Byron Katie said, “Welcome to planet Earth. You come, you judge!” It’s just simply what we do. ALL of us. We might consider ourselves as being NOT a judgmental person, but we are. Just maybe some of us are more judgmental than others.

We judge the weather, the traffic, the media, food, family, friends, teachers, ideas, and more. That yoga class is too slow. That studio is too expensive. He should eat more. She should eat less. This place is dirty. Yogis should be vegetarians. That child behaves like a wild beast. That couple never fights. You are killing yourself with those cigarettes. Americans are arrogant. Those guys are terrorists. You need to meditate more. My partner should not be attracted to other men/women. Fasting is dangerous. Fasting is good for you. She is a very honest person. And on and on it goes.

Today, I invite you to the Higher Practice of nonjudgment. Strive to be aware of each time a judgment comes out of your mouth. Or better yet, BEFORE it comes out of your mouth. Just bringing your attention to it may make a difference.

And when the judgments come out (and they WILL come out) use a little word immediately following it, to create a conscious marker of it. Maybe you say out loud

Based on the subtle examples I have listed above, you can see that it will not be easy. So, try to stay aware and do the best you can.

In this way, you may begin to reprogram the mind to having less judgment. Can less judgment mean more acceptance? Can more acceptance mean more compassion? Can more compassion mean more love?
Love is good, right!…JUDGEMENT!


Shanti Out,
